Preventative Dentistry

Mouthguards for Athletics

Customized athletic mouthguards are essential to protect your smile while engaging in sports. Our mouthguards provide superior teeth protection and even offer added protection against concussions. Each mouthguard is tailored to fit the patient’s unique needs.

A mouthguard is a protective device worn over the teeth to prevent injuries during sports activities. It helps cushion blows that could otherwise cause broken teeth, jaw injuries, or soft tissue damage.

Anyone participating in contact sports, such as football, basketball, or hockey, or non-contact sports with risk of falls or collisions, like gymnastics or skateboarding, should wear a mouthguard.

There are three main types: custom-made mouthguards from a dentist, boil-and-bite mouthguards, and stock mouthguards. Custom-made options offer the best fit and protection.