Top preventative dental care starts right here.

Top preventative dental care starts right here.

Stop Stressing Over Dental Visits!

At Strive Dental Studio, we understand that visiting the dentist can come with concerns about cost, discomfort, and other anxieties. To respect your time and ease your worries, we’ve streamlined our processes for efficient, high-quality care.

Dr. Naina Mahale is committed to helping you achieve a beautiful, healthy smile using the latest technology, state-of-the-art equipment, and proven dental techniques.

Exceptional dental care in Waxhaw, NC

Experience top preventative dental care at Strive Dental Studio, led by the renowned Dr. Naina Mahale, your esteemed dentist in Waxhaw, NC. Our practice emphasizes prevention, and we utilize state-of-the-art technologies, such as digital x-rays, intraoral and extraoral cameras, digital cavity detection, and intraoral scanners. Our advanced techniques identify and address potential dental issues before they escalate, ensuring your long-term oral health and well-being. Trust us for the best preventative dentistry in Waxhaw, NC.

How easy is it?

Our signature preventative cleanings are designed to promote each patient’s healthiest smile. Our teeth cleanings are designed to ensure long-term oral health, if it’s been a while since your last dental visit. We also offer early morning appointments and same-day scheduling for your convenience!

Step 1. Schedule

Call our Waxhaw office to schedule a one-on-one dental consultation with our doctor.

Step 2. Relax

We’ll implement the best preventative treatment plan and an ongoing strategy for any future dental needs.

Step 3. Smile

You’ll have the confidence in your dental health for now and the future!

Meet our team

What I love about being a dentist is that it gives me the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life. Through them, I have learned so much, not only about peoples’ lives and values but also about myself.

What our patients are saying

Learn more about our preventative dentistry services

Dental Cleanings

Dental cleanings and exams are necessary to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Cleanings are performed by our hygienist who will work to remove tartar and stains from your teeth.

Mineral Treatments

Strengthening mineral treatments help prevent cavities and decay, especially for individuals with low fluoride intake.

Scaling & Root Planing

For patients with gum disease, periodontal scaling and root planing, also known as deep cleaning, is a crucial treatment.

Nightguards for TMJ

Teeth grinding or bruxism during sleep can lead to headaches, TMJ issues, and uneven tooth wear.

Mouthguards for Sports

Our mouthguards provide superior teeth protection and even offer added protection against concussions.